Sunday, 17 March 2013

Town, tins and toys.



It's not the clearest of photos but this is a view looking down the Main Street of Kisoro. It doesn't give an accurate impression of the slope of the street or the ramshackled nature of the buildings.




I have attempted to plant some herbs in milk formula tins. Leonard took the rest of my seeds to plant in his herb plot - and set a challenge to see who could get them to grow first. No contest. I do not possess any green fingers. I hope he will let me have some of the herbs when they are grown.


Ivan, in the middle, is doing well and can now roll over. He is putting on weight at such speed that we have stopped the added oil in his soya porridge. A few moments after this photo Joab, on the left, had Ivan's head pinned on the floor with the orange's cutthroat stuff surviving in the babies room!




Meet Mayta, the cow! This was my first experiment of making a toy from a plastic drinks bottle. She is the right colour for a local cow - and there the similarity ends.





An American Paediatrician with a portable ultrasound visited on Friday. He checked the 2 babies in the medical centre who cannot be weaned off oxygen. He thinks it is just that their lungs are undeveloped and 'sticky'. It may be another two weeks before they can breathe alone and to send them home early would probably mean they would die. This is a real problem as the families cannot afford to keep them here. They have been told they will not be charged from now until the babies can leave but that means that the medical centre will continue to run at a loss. What to do? This is a constant problem but running incubators and oxygen concentrators is costly, especially when the power goes off and the generator is used.


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