Saturday, 16 February 2013

You can't beat a sunny Saturday afternoon!


We can't believe we have been here for three weeks already. It would be hard not to enjoy being here. I am writing this on a pleasantly warm Saturday afternoon, sitting out on our sheltered balcony and watching the toddlers playing. One is at the water tank trying to wash a waste paper basket that is full of holes. Two have been under the pick-up truck giving it a once over which it needs as it won't go far. Others are scattered around being watched by Carers. Washing is scattered on sheets on the ground to dry in the sun.

Ivan is doing well and has returned to the baby room. We tried him on goat's milk which was marginally better than the effect of Cow's milk but not good enough. Then he was taken off milk altogether and given soya porridge and rehydration fluid which worked a treat. He is now gaining 100grams of weight a day. We shall have to watch he doesn't go too far the other way! Spooning in the porridge was no fun for Sue or Ivan so she resorted to cutting off the top of a teat and giving it to him in his favourite manner. It was hard to hand him back but the best for him and certainly for us during the nights - we were getting seriously overtired! We have him during the day for spells of cuddles and attention.

Sue's workshop is taking shape. The right half will be a covered store room and the left half is an open air working area. She has been trying out various flours to get good paste. Wheat would not work but Cassava flour is excellent. It is cheaper than wheat but not always available. A bin and a bit of stockpiling will be needed. We are grateful for money that has already been donated for this project that has allowed her to make a start.

The Medical Centre has busy days and not so busy days. Yesterday two prem babies came in. One had hydrocephalus and other complications and sadly did not make it. The other is in an incubator and doing well. The centre will get busier but it does give Mike the chance to work on protocols for different possibilities. Reading hazy x-rays for TB is something to be mastered. There is the possibility that they will add burns to their list of specialities so he and Nurse Emily are discussing how they can practically manage this.


Our lounge which tonight will be the venue for a meal and DVD for us, Emily and two volunteer teachers - so long as the power stays on! A TV screen and DVD player were found in a store room behind the office. The plugs spark but it's worth the risk.





Mike is feeling very pleased with himself at finding parasite cysts in the stools of one of the village children - amazing what can cause pleasure! Sue is watching another load of volcanic ash arriving to go on the floor of her workshop.

All-in-all, a satisfactory day. We hope yours has been too.

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