Babies come and babies go but we still have a total of 11 babies in the prem unit. The twins relegated to the bean bag were so comfy that they opted to stay there.
One new prem was doing well but during the first night Mike went twice across to the centre. Each time the heart of this baby stopped whilst Mike was seeing to another child. Mike would resuscitate and the baby would be fine again. What timing! Two days later and the baby continues well.
We are still maintaining two wards as we have so many inpatients. We have 6 severely malnourished children on what Mike has called Omega Ward...the last place to stay before leaving Potters! These children were on Alpha Ward whilst being tube fed and receiving antibiotics. Now they are eating but need to have put on a designated amount of weight before being released. We have been giving them some meals, the same as our children get but so far some are rejecting them - too many greens and protein! KIsoro District has the 2nd worst statistics for malnourishment in Uganda and it is all down to poor education. One person was telling me he had visited a house where the family had chickens. The children were very thin and ill. It transpired these children had never eaten an egg, the family sells them all. He tried to educate the mother to give each child one egg a week and sell the rest. Did she do it? Who knows. A lot of concerted effort needs to be put into this problem.

It was noticed that young Isaac had a club foot when he arrived. A visiting Physio showed us how to plaster it as there is no facility for help locally. We attempted a DIY version which came off yesterday. It is a little frightening doing these things without expertise but it is a question of something is better than nothing. I managed to get some Plaster of Paris bandages from the pharmacy. They were of very poor quality and he admitted they had been sitting on his shelf...for forever. The plaster on soaking was lumpy and the bandage frail and inclined to break. A layer of duct tape on top helped rigidity and waterproofing.
The workshop is making a reclining chair for a small and very disabled boy. He is 1year 3 months but more the size of a 7 month old. It is good to be challenged in design again. Leonard and I are pleased with how it is coming together. It is our version of a baby bouncer chair - without the bounce!
Saturday treat at Gorilla Junction - plunger, not strong.
It is good to walk in and after the customary greetings, be asked...'the usual'? I feel almost an accepted local!