Sunday, 26 January 2014

All creatures great and small

It's amazing to think that 2 weeks ago we were still in the UK. Also amazing to think that 1 year ago tomorrow, we first arrived in Uganda.


First thing was to greet all the Village Occupants including this frog that had taken up residence in the bathroom. We were happy to leave him be until his position of choice was under the toilet basin rim - very disconcerting when you flushed and were left with a swimming frog! It was hard to catch him before he secreted himself away again but eventually we did and put him outside. From the amount of gecko droppings in the house, they had clearly enjoyed the abundance of flies too.




To our great joy we were not charged excess baggage for the wheelchair. Our luggage arrived safely and our usual Kisoro taxi man borrowed a pick-up van to meet us at the border. I have spent this afternoon sewing foam cushions to wedge either side of Jackson so he doesn't flop sideways.



Sometimes in the evenings we take in persistent criers from next door. This evening it is Gukuru (means older twin). Sleep is definitely not on his mind just now. We had his twin 2 nights ago so maybe he just wants his turn.



We had our first premature baby come in directly from the community rather than being referred by the Hospital. The Dad grabbed the baby, without tying the cord properly, and made the one hour journey down. He then had to go back and get his wife. Turinayo was cold but warmed up and is doing well. A few days ago the children's ward was full and we were wondering how to expand - today it is empty. We get them back home as soon as it is safe.

We nearly had a new member of toddlers today. The pig escaped and was running up the ramp to the toddlers' room. A Carer was brandishing a broom but the pig was unfazed. David the gateman arrived in the nick of time. The trick is to get the broom and use it to tickle her tummy then put a rope round her leg while she is distracted. You never know what new thing you may learn in a day!